Data Analytics Services

Make data-driven decisions

The key to maximizing revenue, improving operations and reducing costs is in making informed decisions.  We help our clients to make data driven decisions — enhancing  the customer experience, optimizing efficiency and improving outcomes by ensuring that the right data reaches the right individuals at the right time.

data visualization services visualize insights like never before

We create rich visualizations of your data, as a result you can uncover the opportunities hidden in your data and find the answers you need—and make the right data-driven decisions for the agency. Our dashboards address various types of users.

  • Tactical dashboards: our tactical dashboards are used by managers who need a deeper understanding of department actions.
  • Strategic dashboards: our strategic dashboards are used by senior executives to monitor the progress the department/agency  is making towards reaching strategic goals.
  • Operational dashboards: our operational dashboards are used for departmental processes and help departments perform their everyday activities efficiently.

data services streamline data integration

Governments host a vast amount of raw data in spreadsheets, databases and other repositories. Making use of internal and external data is the key to driving business performance, staying competitive, and discovering new opportunities.

We help you to prepare your data the right way by reshape your data so that it is easily consumable for visualization in your dashboards. Our data preparation efforts include:

  • Joining and cleaning data from an ever-growing number of disparate sources from Excel to data warehouses, from social media-app and cloud-app data to Big Data sources.
  • Enriching your internal data with third-party data sources, such as OAG and DOT, and then run sophisticated spatial or predictive analytics.
Innovating for the future

test drive our interactive dashboard

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